(posted from bisexualguide.com)
Bet you didn’t know...
33 percent of bisexuals are in hetero relationships
20 percent are in homosexual relationships
25 percent are in no relationship
10 percent are with a man
10 percent are in multiple relationships of all kinds at the same time
35 percent of bisexuals previously considered themselves gay or lesbianOh, and Sandra Bernhart said it best:
"I’ve had long-term sexual relationships with both men and women. If that classifies me as bisexual, then I’m bisexual. I’m very committed to people, so when I’m with somebody, I’m with them.”—The Advocate
Hmm, ok Natalie Portman...
Nice. I like that last advantage!
I don't cae about labels. If im in love with a woman, a person, an individual. Then that's it. *smh* I really hate labels.
lmao @ Sandra.
I agree with riva... I don't really label myself. If I'm feeling a girl then that's jus what it is.. and if it's a guy... then it just is. I hate that I have to be either straight, gay or bi
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